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24th Year of Gross Exploitation of Huge Wealth...!

A Fugitive Offender, the De facto Head of Abu Dhabi, UAE, you have the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head at every moment! ...'24th Year'

Chase The Trails Of 25-Year ‘UAE Fugitive'...!

Mohammed Bin Zayed, Head of the UAE Federation, Is a 'Fugitive From Law', despite a series of UAE and India Judicial Decisions!...'25th Year'

UAE's 'Golden Visa' Marketing & Caveat Emptor

The Principle of 'Caveat Emptor' is not designed to shield sellers or agents who engage in fraud or bad faith. 'Let The Buyer Beware''UAE Golden Visa'

'Crowdfunding Strategy To Enforce UAE Judgments!

The Highest Level of Warning against the De facto Head of Abu Dhabi, UAE, who is hiding behind the doctrine of State Sovereignty!...'Brochure'


'The UAE Golden Visa Trap—a term now Synonymous with Treachery and Exploitation!'

"Kidnapped, tormented, and robbed of his rights, one brave investor’s fight has taken him from the depths of despair to the halls of the highest courts and even to the doors of the United Nations. His relentless pursuit of justice has spawned an unprecedented digital campaign, establishing 20,000 websites—a $60 Million digital fortress against injustice—to shine a light on corruption and champion human rights worldwide."

The international community is now watching as the UAE Government’s deceptive practices come to light, undermining the very essence of its Golden Visa programme. It becomes clear that standing up to such blatant injustices is not just advisable but necessary. The ongoing digital campaign spearheaded by the UAE investor, a crusader for justice, amplifies this call, urging a collective push towards dismantling the corrupt structures that threaten the very essence of international investment and human rights.

This is not just a story of money and deceit, but a saga of the 'Elusive Fugitive Prince,' a shadowy figure of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, who orchestrated a campaign of betrayal. It all began with what seemed to be a straightforward real estate deal. However, the foreign investor quickly found himself in a nightmare when the deal, tainted by fraud, unraveled. Winning a lawsuit in Abu Dhabi civil court should have restored his rights, but it was just the beginning of his ordeal. Abducted, looted, and subjected to unspeakable torments, the investor’s plight was a macabre testament to the unchecked power wielded by the criminal echelons within UAE.

Torture remains a fundamental tool of repression under the UAE regime, with allegations of abuse frequently emerging from state prisons. The investor was subjected to the forcible removal of his fingernail, leaving nothing but raw, exposed flesh. The long, tattered cloth appeared next as a tool of terror, they called it "ragging." The fabric wrapped around his face, plunging him into a suffocating darkness. His hands were tied behind him, his feet bound. The cloth pressed tighter over his mouth and nose. Then the blows came—hard, fast, unrelenting. His breath came in ragged gasps. Struggling for breath, he eventually lost consciousness. The investor was subsequently taken to the Central Hospital Emergency Unit in Abu Dhabi, where the extent of his injuries became evident.

Yet, in this dark hour, the judiciary of the country—a beacon of justice amidst the pervading darkness—rose to champion the cause of the beleaguered investor. The court of first instance not only vindicated him but also mandated a rigorous investigation into the egregious violations perpetrated by the state’s own emissaries of law. In the shadowed corridors of power, the 'Elusive Fugitive Prince' remained untouched as the administration blatantly disregarded a direct order from the judiciary to curtail his influence and release the ensnared investor. The prosecution, in a desperate bid to maintain their facade, appealed to the Apex Court of Abu Dhabi. But truth, like light, finds its way.

During a swiftly conducted trial, the veil was lifted on a dark web of police orchestration and prosecutorial deceit, compelling all involved to confess their misdeeds. In a resounding denouement, the Apex Court dismissed the prosecution's appeal with contempt, issuing a landmark judgment that not only exonerated the investor but also paved the way for justice, urging the investor to seek restitution for the grave injustices endured.

However, the plot took an unimaginable twist when an internal probe unearthed the involvement of a potentate—a prince cloaked in the armour of privilege and power. In an audacious move that stunned the world, the authorities of UAE orchestrated a grand deception. Court documents were nefariously altered, painting the established investor as a criminal, only to be summarily deported and stripped of his assets, valued at a staggering $100 million.

Once again, the executive branch has overstepped its boundaries, this time by issuing a fraudulent deportation order that was executed with a chilling level of precision. The administration unleashed a dark deed, that was aimed not only at salvaging the image of UAE but also at circumventing the progressive mandates prescribed by international bodies like the United Nations. Thus, through layers of corruption, subterfuge, and profound injustice, the saga of the 'Elusive Fugitive Prince' and the beleaguered investor unfurled, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of international crime.

Imagine winning a grueling legal fight only to find yourself walking into a nightmare. That's what happened to the investor who, instead of tasting freedom, was subjected to abduction, torture, arbitrary detention, and illicit expulsion, during which stripped of everything he owned. His cries for help echoed through the halls of justice, seemingly in vain. But resilience in the face of such adversity is the hallmark of this tale. The investor's quest led him to the halls of the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court, seeking to enforce the apex judgments of UAE. His audacious complaint to the United Nations marked a historic first, challenging a government's betrayal under the watchful eyes of the global community.

Moreover, his resilience also birthed the First English-language Whistle blowing Web portal for UAE Human Rights, a beacon for those silenced by tyranny, which was promptly banned by the UAE government in the early 2000s. Refusing to be silenced, the investor channels his ordeal into a monumental initiative against injustice—not 10, not 100, but 20,000 websites with premium domains worth $60 million. As these digital platforms multiply, he establishes a digital fortress to uphold human rights and ensure global awareness.

This venture, Abu Dhabi Domains, a $60 million digital campaign project, aimed at exposing and rectifying the miscarriages of justice perpetrated by the UAE regime, fortified by the support of international legal judgments, becomes a beacon of hope and resistance, challenging the notion that power can indefinitely shield wrongdoing. This saga, far from concluded, continues as a stirring call to action. It beckons the global community to join in a collective stride toward justice, advocating for transparency and accountability in a land marred by shadows of deceit. Will you stand in solidarity?

Last updated: 09-09-2024
X/Twitter ID: JabirOrg
Reparation Law

'UAE Golden Visa Campaign Under Scrutiny For Misleading Marketing Practices!'

The age-old principle of 'caveat emptor,' or buyer beware, does not protect those who engage in deceit. This includes sellers, agents, brokers, and influencers found making false claims about the quality of products. This has come to light particularly in the UAE Golden Visa marketing campaign, which has been flagged for fraudulent practices. .. CONTINUE READING: UNMASKING THE FACE OF FRAUD!

'The Challenging Task of Judgment Creditor!'

The 'Judgment Creditor', along with the '‘Alliance Judgment Recovery’' is offering up to US$10m rewards for help in leading to the arrest and conviction of this fugitive offender! Full Text: 'What Others Say About The 'Challenging Task' Of Jabir, The Judgment Creditor'

"Goodwill Ambassador Programme"
'We’re looking for 'Goodwill Ambassadors!

'You can be a goodwill ambassador for the change. Economic benefit of up to USD$ 10 million for your voluntary services or the value of your contributions'! Distribution of amount will take place once the UAE Judgment against "Mohammed bin Zayed, the UAEFugitive", is satisfied.
"How do I become a Goodwill Ambassador?"



"Court Judgments Are Not Worthless Piece Of Papers!

"Crowdfunding Global Campaigns"


New Generic Top Level Domain (NgTLD) for the Capital of the United Arab Emirates. ...'More Updates'

“The ‘Judgment Creditor’ Unveils World’s First Judgment Equity Funds!”

'There are diabolical debtors who hide Judicial decisions, commit fraud or other heinous acts to avoid honouring their obligations under the judgments. The enforcement process, therefore, becomes time consuming, expensive and stressful. Whatever the reason may be, the UAE Judgment debtor(s) will stand as the fiscally responsible party until the Court Judgment is satisfied. His responsibility to do so will pass on to his successor-in-office; the successor regime is obliged to compensate the victim of State wrongs' ...'Buy Your Portfolio Now!'

‘Unique is the case; disgracefully the perpetrator is the ‘Executive Branch of Abu- Dhabi, UAE’’

The Judgment Creditor, who obtained four consecutive Judgments against the ‘Wilful Defaulters’ is very unique in all respects. 'Unique is the case of ‘Judgment Creditor’; disgracefully the perpetrator is the ‘Executive Branch of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates'. ... "White Paper"

‘The Sales Prospects of UAE Judgments Portfolio’

The execution of Judgments of the UAE Court is a part of ‘Indo-Gulf Reparation’ Movement. Millions of Overseas Indians will be the beneficiaries of a ‘Mutual Reparation Mechanism’ if put into practical effect. “Give a hand to enforce the UAE Judgments and thereby strengthening the Integrity of the Judiciary and people’s confidence in our Judicial Systems”. ...The Sales Prospects of UAE Judgments

Demanding Justice, Truth and Court-ordered reparations

Mindful, in particular, that a judgment debt is hanging over the Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates. The Judgment is binding and enforceable by the court of Abu Dhabi from where the ruling came from. The Judgment debt of Abu Dhabi, can be eliminated or satisfied by the enforcement of judgments and legal remedies... How to buy a Judgment? Promotional Campaigns Worldwide

'Let’s Join; Tell Your Friends To Support Justice In The UAE'

Like Us | Follow Us: "Alliance Judgment Recovery Networks" is the best 'Social Impact Investment Model for Justice''. Don't let fraudsters remain in the shadows - Expose & Protest! 'Tell Your Friends To Support Justice In The UAE'... "Alliance Judgment Recovery Networks"

Invest In Justice - What does it mean?

This is one of our value added, unique business strategy to satisfy legal judgments, to recover his or her rights from the debtors specified in a Judgment. As a lawful owner of a legal Judgment, the victim has the right to offer his Judgment for sale or to make efforts to legally enforce and recover his assets and the inherent rights of individuals to dignity... Link to the FAQ

Reparations - Law Resources

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Responsibility of States

Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts marks a major step in the codification and progressive development of international law. The topic attributing conduct to the State; defining when there has been a breach of international law and the excuses or justifications for breaches; reparation for injustices, the invocation of responsibility, especially standing of States in the public interest, and the rules relating to countermeasures...Read More

Selling Court awarded Judgments

‘Judgment For Sale’ (JFS) is a prospective Internet-based DPO candidate (Direct Public Offerings) who want to raise capital for Social Justice. Join us and explore our unique business strategy to satisfy legal judgments. The investors may convert their contributions into stock (Equity investments) gives them an opportunity to gain from a rise in the share price...Read More


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Judgments Now on Sale!'

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